Friday, 9 May 2014

Exhibition Final Pieces

Tuesday I processed my last roll of film then chose 2 photographs from that to use as final pieces alongside one of my Birmingham photos. After I scanned the negatives I went back to my flat and edited my 3 final pieces on Adobe Lightroom 4 adding contrast and straightening the images. When I finished editing them I went to Print Services and had them printed A1 size. It was very quiet so I had them printed then and there, I had to turn the files from psd files to pdf's which didn't take long, I'd say I was only in there about 45 minutes and my work was printed (normally you have to wait one or two days). Alan advised me to print them onto matte paper so they are seen as paintings more then photographs as they have a very cubist aesthetic. I do want to exhibit all 3 photographs however if there isn't enough space I will just exhibit 2, I assume I will have the space for 3. One of my photographs have a pink cast to it even though it is a black and white photograph so I think I'm going to re-print it.  

Cross Course Seminar (08/05/14)

Yesterday I had my cross course seminar, we mainly discussed the exhibition space, putting up our work and how we're getting our work there. A lot of the students in the group discussed their displeasure with the fact that the exhibition is only 4 hours long where previously people were informed it would be over a full weekend, I'm not as angry about it as some other students in my group however it is a little aggravating that I've spent £20 on printing and its only going to be seen for 4 hours. For me the exhibition will be a chance for me to see other students work and see what they're up to. I would have liked the exhibition to be planned a little better for example I would like to know how much space I have to exhibit my work. We didn't speak about our work during the meeting as we didn't have time however we did discuss the posters and flyers that are being made, I'm not sure if were still displaying posters however we are going to have flyers people can take away from the exhibition containing the group members work and a paragraph about the subject of our work. Overall the seminar was interesting as people spoke about how the exhibition could be improved and the logistics of the exhibition.